windowsill herb garden

A Quick Guide to Windowsill Herb Garden

If you are living somewhere and you don’t get many outdoor spaces, you may never get a second idea to start your garden. A windowsill herb garden will be your perfect solution for you who want to give some interest, color and delicious herbs to your living space. This garden is really easy to care and it requires so little money for starting it. Many people who have an experience with it say that it gives you a lot joy and many benefit. So, this will be an interesting project to do.

Some Important Benefits of Windowsill Herb Garden

If you have a plant to make your own windowsill garden, your decision is right. It offers you many advantages. This garden idea does not only give you an advantage of your small space, but also you will get a unique way to grow a plant in your house.

windowsill herb gardenThe creating windowsill herb garden is full of healthy and tasty conditions from your recipes which are so simple to do. The most time to for it to take is one hour to get all of them ready for the starting to the ending with some seed and plant addition. This kind of gardening needs so little maintenance because there are no weeds for pulling.

The only cost of the windowsill herb garden is in the gardening kit which is only a few dollars. You can get it online or from your local home garden centers. If you expect to be more frugal, you can ask your friend and family with some green thumbs of their seeds or clippings. Don’t worry, if you don’t have special knowledge in botany or gardening, all you need to plant and grow your herbs are some right tools, such as good soil, many light, proper drainage and ample water.

Some Easy Steps to Start Your Windowsill Herb Garden Plantation

To start your project on planting a windowsill garden, we will give you some simple steps. Take the best plant for your home garden and make the one which faces south or even southwest to receive daily sunlight as much as possible, ideally at least four to six hours. You need to trim your windowsill plants because a messy garden means messy looking home. Then, you have to trim the plants regularly to keep their appearance compact and nice. You can not only plant any available herb plants or seeds in the garden. The best kind of herbs is those which stay dense and compact. Select herbs which grow normally, not too wide or too tall.

Select the plants which are suited for the garden. There are windowsill garden plants which are suitable for your gardening plan. One of the gardening Expert, Louise Hyde stated that the plants for a windowsill garden include Italian oregano, sage, basil and parsley. Italian oregano has been famous due to its really delicious flavor, rosemary for repelling nature, basils are great plants to use for indoor gardening. Parsley will thrive anywhere within the house if they get daily sunlight.

Don’t forget to use containers which are four inches in width or more. You can not only seek containers and plant certain herbs there. It is a windowsill herb garden and choosing different container sizes will make a bad look in the garden. You have to really care for in choosing the container due to the influence to your windowsill looking.

You have to fertilize the plants every six or even eight weeks in maintaining your windowsill herb garden. Fertilizer is important for your growing plants. You can choose a compost tea for your fertilizer or the spray method of seaweed. You must cut off the applications if the plant’s growth seems slow and it is during winter. There are many types of fertilizers which you can choose such as from those which are organic fertilizers. If you choose inorganic fertilizers, make it sure that they have been labeled edible for your safety of your plant. Don’t forget to water the garden regularly to keep the soil wet.

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